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Actor's 411 Hotline

Welcome to the best FREE source of information for Actors & all Entertainers!


Hopefully you have made your 1st calling/business card your "Comp Card" showcasing You, the Talent's many expressions/l@@ks right!
Now it's time for the Headshot......

As I said before you will in time still need a std. HEADSHOT....
I have found MOST Talent agency's to represent you will want a standard Headshot and some casting directors will as well.
So BEST to have both as your calling card.

This is a site that is VERY reasonable and fast turnaround too!
No matter how much you spend to get your headshot, no matter how skilled the photographer, the money is wasted if you don't know what you are doing. (Been there done that too!)

One of the chief causes (if not THE chief cause) of most actors' career problems can be directly related to the HEADSHOT - it's your door opener.
Especially as many auditions are obtained via the Internet or mailing Headshot/Resume initially.
If you do not have a headshot that "works,"
(gets you called in) all your other skills will not be seen by casting directors
Your Comp Card & HEADSHOT are your business card in the entertainment biz!

The casting people are looking at photographs all day, every day.
Ever wonder Why do they pick one talent over 25 others?
"There was just something about the look in her eyes."
"I don't know what it is, but his expression just grabbed me."
"I needed dangerous and that picture just said, "dangerous all the way
Casting director are l@@king for that Sparkle or Shine in the Talent's Headshot that says "Pick Me"

Regardless of what stage you are at in your acting career… whatever you are trying to do, your HEADSHOT is the key to opening many doors.
It's the first step to help get you, the talent through the door.
See, YOU ARE IN CONTROL of how it comes out. Yes it's You!
Not the photographer.
You'll find once you master the skill of "posing", (learning to take a GOOD working HEADSHOT) you'll get better results using just about any decent photographer.
Think about this..... Take a look at the tabloids next time your in a store if you don't believe me. Notice that some of their photographers live to catch an entertainer in the most unflattering picture. Why? Because unflattering pictures of stars are RARE and so, therefore, intriguing to the viewers. RARELY will you see unflattering picture in these tabloids from say an award ceremony or some other other public outing.

Those who specialize in getting unflattering pictures of entertainers tend to stalk the star often using a telephoto lens, to try & catch them in an uncomplimentary "pose". It's the only way they can get those kinds of shots. Honestly if the star knew they were going to be photographed, do you really thing they would "Pose" for that unflattering picture. NOT!!!!
They are professionals & KNOW how to work the camera to make them self shine!
You can do this to with alittle practice! You are the Talent - the Pro!

I have learned this is a BASIC skill in the entertainment business.
Whether you are an actor, singer, model or newscaster -
your Headshot IS YOUR Business card!
It needs to standout & speak for you 1st!
It's all they see before you get to open your mouth and let them know how
Great you'd be for the
Learning to take a GREAT Headshot - yes "posing" is not just for models...... L@@k at the actors when promoting a film or at an awards ceremony, walking down the red carpet Watch how they act knowing a camera is on them no stop. They KNOW what "POSE" shows off their BEST features/assets!
Entertaining is a job so, you want to present yourself to make you, the Talent shine! Remember, the person being photographed (the Talent) has most of the control over how the picture will turn out.

If you don't know how to do this, it's time to learn.
Have fun with it!

So, how do you learn this BASIC skill of getting a GREAT working HEADSHOT?
First you have to get in front of a mirror.
(For those of you who hate this, get over it,
or you will not learn - and not learning is sure path to frustration and anger.)

Watch yourself in the mirror for a reasonable amount of time.
Try to "pose" without looking to silly. Check out different "looks". Think of different character roles you may be asked to play in a film... sad, sultry, happy, coy, you get my drift..
play with it & have fun."
Get an idea how you "feel" when you look a certain way & OWN it!!!!
(By the way this is an excellent way to work on some of your acting skills, as well. The ability to look "natural" when you are thinking of so many other things, is an actor's stock-in-trade. Don't skimp on this.)

So that's the first step: Mirror work. 10 minutes a day is a good start.

(You MUST have this skill to succeed as an actor - to get past 1st base with a casting director.)
Think about it what is an actor being in a film doing?
Having MANY pictures of you the Talent in various "character l@@ks" Right!

When you've found a few "looks" that don't make you look silly, (unless silly is your product/look such as a comedian would want to show), something that resembles the "character" you are planning to sell (You need to know what's your l@@K you need to get the rolls you want ok)
....... then it's time to take the next step....................................

There's a great old joke that goes like this:
"How do you get to the Metropolitan Opera?" "Practice."

That's right, you have to practice.
"Practice what?" you may ask.

Practice getting your picture taken.
Enlist the help of a friend (not a photographer) and using either a few of the cheap 'throw-away' cameras or a digital, do a PRACTICE photo session.
Take notes.
Number the shots.
Take your time.
Check the results.
Adjust as necessary.

This is a very inexpensive way to practice. And practice will save you lots of money when you get to the point of hiring a professional photographer.

You must KNOW how to "pose."
This is either DO or DO NOT.

As Yoda warns us, "There is no try."


If THAT headshot you get doesn't work (open doors) - you have to get another one, and another — until you find the Headshot that gets you in the door.

If you are not willing to invest in your business (You the Talent), what makes you think someone else will hire you?

You need capital to invest in You, the talent as you ARE your business.
Think.. if you opened a new business you'd invest in business cards right?

Believe me, once you master this skill, all your other efforts will improve.
This is because skills improve with practice and the only way to practice auditioning is by actually auditioning.

Your HEADSHOT is what gets you in that next door & PAID!

Marketing the "Talent" 101 .. the Basics

No one has ever made it in this biz without SELF Promoting - NO ONE!
You need to MARKET the talent, i.e., Marketing basics 101 as I like to call it.....
Marketing is key, as is networking.

As I said before.... If you want to succeed in the entertainment biz then you need to get ......

Experience and Exposure so you can get PAID to do the thing you L♥ve - ENTERTAIN!

If you don't learn how to market (the TALENT) & get yourself exposed you will be the BEST kept secret .. obviously NOT the way to become a star! You need to INVEST in yourself the Talent just like with any job or business venture.

Some BASIC tools you'll need to promote you, the Talent.....a Headshot
(watch upcoming post re: great article I found on what purpose of headshot is and more!)
& Resume when you go on an audition/casting call.

There are many places to get done. (I'll list some in another post).
Keep in mind the average cost of an 8x10 headshot printed is $1/ea but most want a minimum of 50 to 100 printed. Since I had already paid twice over hundreds of dollars for a headshot that can't use, (She had a shirt w/ a saying on it & that is NOT acceptable on a headshot I later learned) , I had to find a cheaper way to get what we needed. Her picture was GREAT but due to shirt we can't use it when submitting to casting directors, talent agency's or auditions. Expensive lesson learned.. DON'T make same mistake... That's why I'm sharing this information in my blog.....

Less is BEST rings true when you are working on a good headshot or portfolio!

I decided to design (I used Picasa a FREE photo editor from Google) Chelsi's Comp Card & get printed at Staples! Cost with resume on back around $1 and I can print as few or many as I need! I have it printed on the card stock & l@@ks great in matte finish.
Most pictures on her comp card are professional ones except 2 we took with a digital camera.
If the photo quality is fine you can start with your own pictures just keep background plain unless an outside shot.

This comp card (above) has landed Chelsi an agent, 2 music videos, a spot on a teen reality TV pilot and a few auditions for feature films. Granted some want a headshot only bu,t most will accept a comp card, especially if they see resume is slim as it gives a bit more insight to Talents personality through the many expressions they can see of the Talent - ESPECIALY a kid/teen!
It CAN work even w/ a newbie is my point!
(We had gone to a industry marketing class held by Cory Hendricks, MS Florida 2004 and she said when new ok to try and show more then one expression as resume is thin to start ie, why I use the comp card).

Less is BEST !
In time we'll et some single headshots (her braces come off in fall so we are waiting to get updated pics.. but again WORK with what you have at present! It will get your foot in the door !

We could have waiting but went with as is since Feb & she has had much success due to MARKETING & NETWORKING!
You can too!

FYI: Beware you don't get caught in Churning it can get costly! Unfortunately being Churned, (being told you need more pictures or we want it done this way or that way) will be presented to you in your quest to stardom. Just be smart & don't be afraid to ask questions!

NO talent agency should ask you to "buy photos" to sign you.
They should have a Agency # on all their info & they ONLY get paid when you get paid!

Keep in mind even if you have an agent still continue to market the Talent.
I do for Chelsi and I keep finding her more opportunities. We just got a last minute role for a music video by networking in an actors community. It's out there even for the newbie as Chelsi is considered a newbie!

If you are serious to achieve your entertainment career goal then...
You should ALWAYS be l@@king for the next audition/opportunity even if you have an agent!

If you are new in the entertainment biz then your resume is slim as Chelsi's was to start, but in just a few months it has GROWN alot! Why Marketing & Networking .
(can see Chelsi's resume for an example Click here to see Resume').

There are MANY sites besides MySpace & Facebook & Twitter gear SPECIFICALLY for Talents wanting to get exposed to casting directors, talent agency's and more. At these sites you can make a "Talent" profile - add pictures - videos - resume and more! Plus many have auditions listing nationwide. All will let you sign up for a basic website FREE!

We have joined MANY and have paid for a few that we found to be worth the small fee. My two favorite for finding auditions, networking and cost effective are www.StarSearchCasting.com (Free or Gold membership is $14.95/mth)
& StarNow.com (Free or$19.95/6mth unlimited access).

I found a few opportunities for Chelsi on StarNow. I use www.StarSearchCasting.com (http://chelsiarchambeau.starsearchcasting.com) as her main networking site & post link on her business MySpace to direct casting directors, talent agents are anyone interested in seeing her resume', portfolio or video. Feel free to check it out as an example.

www.StarSearchCasting.com was our 1st Talent site and now one of many we use to MARKET Chelsi our Talent. These Talent sites have helped put Chelsi in top 6 hits on Google (Exposure)!
These Talent sites have worked hard to get top ranking in search engines.
Ride their back!!!

It's has proven to be GREAT marketing tool for a small investment in a Talent's career goal!.

Here are a few other's ALL offer FREE sign up

These are some of the BEST Talent/Networking sites we have found -

All offer FREE for basic talent webpage!
TOP 3 & more Ranked in order of BEST site/Value...

So, your goal is to get as many Talent opportunities, even unpaid to get

As I have been saying in time the Talent WILL get PAID to do what you l♥ve!
I'll keep saying this as it's the heart to getting ahead in this biz.
Most people don't treat this as a business & it IS!

Remember YOU the Talent are the product!
MARKET well to succeed!

Welcome to Actor's 411 Hotline...

So... You want to be an Actor/ENTERTAINER??? Do you have dreams and not sure how or where to start?
I believe my blog, Actor's 411 Hotline will help many people NEW to the entertainment biz. Do you have Dreams and hopes to be the next big entertainer...
Why not YOU?
Many new to the biz I find have a talent but wonder what's next or where can I find auditions or if a company is a scam!! I understand as we have been there and done that too!
L@@k no further.. just stop by and read Actor's 411 Hotline. Here you'll find the BEST Actor's 411 information in the entertainment biz I'm sure!
Perhaps some of the information you'll find on my blog will help you avoid some newbie learning curves.
And it's FREE!!!!!!
Networking is Key in this biz - really it is in your daily life.
I come from a BIG Italian family & we ALWAYS are helping one or another i.e networking!
You may laugh but that old saying "It's not what you know it's WHO you know"
DOES apply alot in the entertainment biz!
Contrary to the belief of a few it IS OK to lend a helping hand or share helpful information...
DO you need a good heart & common sense to succeed besides Talent - Absolutely!
It does NOT have to be a cut throat biz. Will you meet people like that... likely.. there loss!
Be genuine and it'll pay off :-)

Yes this is very true saying... "do unto others as you'd want done to you"
DOES hold some truth in this biz as it does in general life!!!
I have met ALOT of wonderful open hearted people by networking.
Plus it has opened ALOT of doors for our Chelsi (who's talented & has a big a warm heart herself).

I believe whether you are new or an established actor/entertainer you'll find something of value at my blog, Actor's 411 Hotline to help you.
I'm amazed everyday when I find something NEW that helps our aspiring entertainer, Chelsi further her acting career goals! This information can help you too!

I'm a big believer in networking & sharing useful information with others having a common interest. There is enough opportunities in the entertainment industry to go around.
I'm very good at finding auditions for our Chelsi as well, alot of helpful info. I can share with you ways and places many FREE to help promote you, the "Talent" (all ages).

I have found numerous networking avenues that help create a WIN/WIN for all parties!
In just a few months I have found surfing the web, networking and constantly turning over more rocks alot of great opportunities, information & even an agent for our Chelsi!
You can do this too if you check out Actor's 411 Hotline weekly.
I can save you alot of time by sharing the wealth of information I find. Remember to stop by and read the latest updates on Actor's 411 Hotline Blog at least once a week.
You will see updates at least 3 times a week, usually more :-)

You will find ALL the latest information that I uncover to help the aspiring or seasoned Actor/Entertainer learn or find auditions! I'll freely share many great places and good learning tools we have come across in my blog, Actor's 411 Hotline!

All I ask is tell a friend - SHARE... help me network to all!
As you'll see by stopping by on a regular basis there is SO MUCH information to share!
You can count on me sharing with you ALL the latest information that I find to help you, the aspiring or seasoned Actor/Entertainer!

I welcome your feedback & will gladly link your blog pertaining to the entertainment industry!
ENJOY my blog, Actor's 411 Hotline!

You Can be the next big entertainer if you do a little everyday and keep improving, learning and finding & attending AUDITIONS!

Remember sometimes you will work for free to gain experience to put on your resume & gain exposure so you can be in time you are PAID to do what you love!
Reach for the Stars..
Hold onto your Dreams ...
Just go Do it! ♥

Helpful Sites...

If you are REAL new and need some basics in acting this is a good resource!
KNOCKMDEAD Acting Technique E-Book.
A Complete Step-by-step System For Preparing An Acting Role. This Revolutionary New Technique Teaches You How To Take Your Brand-new Script And Create A Complex, Interesting Character In The Shortest Possible Time. Click to see more

Create Hollywood Ambiance for your Home Theater

Ongoing NY CASTING CALLS - Actors - EXTRA'S... The following primetime TV series are currently casting and shooting in New York City.
Click to see details

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About Me ☺

My photo
A little about me and Actor 411 Hotline ... I've' been an Entrepreneur since I was 16 years old! I've I have 3 kids & 3 grandkids. Chelsi is the Actor/Singer/Writer/Entertainer - "Talent" in the family. In her desire to be a famous entertainer she asked me to help find her opportunities and information to grow! Her 's passion and dedication to succeed in this biz is what got me into this information quest. The last few months I have searched the internet for info to help her advance as an entertainer! Not being in "Hollywood" (live in FL) I needed to find her opportunities available in our area besides national ones. Where else would I l@@k to find them ... the internet! AMAZING the wealth of information and opportunities I have uncovered for her in just a few months! So much I felt I needed to share ..... and where better to do that yep... the internet... so... My Blog... Actor's 411 Hotline was born 7-29-2009! WELCOME & ENJOY ALL the FREE info I'll be sharing!